2018年9月-2019年9月:美国芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)政治学系,公派联合培养
《Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management》匿名评阅人
《Environmental Science and Pollution Resaarch》匿名评阅人
1. 毛庆铎,甘甜.科层式规训:政府排名的设置逻辑与作用机制[J].公共行政评论,2022,15(02):60-77+196-197.
2. 毛庆铎,程豪杰,马奔.邻避设施社会风险演化及应对——基于网络分析视角[J].上海行政学院学报,2022,23(06):44-58.
3. 毛庆铎,马奔.矿难事故瞒报行为的解释:基于“系统—利益相关者”视角[J].中国行政管理,2017(01):114-121.
4. 毛庆铎,马奔.邻避风险认知偏差与沟通:社会判断理论的视角[J].北京行政学院学报,2017(05):17-23.
5. 马奔,毛庆铎.大数据在应急管理中的应用[J].中国行政管理,2015(03):136-141+151.
6. Mao, Q., Cheng, H., Shi, J., & Zhou, L. (2023). How does environmental relative performance evaluation work? The case of China’s urban air quality ranking. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 1-23. (SCI, Q2, IF=4.364)
7. Cao, L., Mao, Q*., Ma, B,. (2023). Differences between spontaneous and exogenous preparedness: A study on the stock of household emergency material during the COVID-19 in China.(通讯作者,SCI:Q1,IF:2.894;JCR:2区)
8. Wang, F. F., Mao, Q*.(2023). Benefiting signatories at others’ expense: Effects and spatial spillover of local emergency cooperation agreements in China. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. (通讯作者,SSCI:Q3,IF:3.7;JCR:3区)
9. Bian Q, Zhang X, Mao Q*.(2021).The more actions, the higher the performance evaluation? Evidence from the crisis management of COVID-19 in China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60: 102281.(通讯作者,SCI:Q1,IF:2.894;JCR:2区)
10. Cheng, H., Bian, Q., Mao, Q*. (2022). How Can Internet Use and Environmental Risk Perception Encourage Pro-Environmental Behaviors? The Mediating Role of Government Performance Perception. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 31(6), 5621-5631. (通讯作者,SCI, Q4, IF:1.871)
1. 数字智能嵌入政府治理的流程再造与效能提升研究(国家社科基金项目,主持)
2. 山东省城市更新项目社会风险防范与化解研究(山东省社会科学规划项目,主持);
3. 青岛市城市更新项目中的社会风险防范与化解机制研究(青岛市哲学社会科学规划项目,主持);
4. 复合式协商民主的制度设计与试点实验(研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项课题,参与);
5. 协商民主的底层设计与试点实验(国家社科基金一般项目,参与);
6. 山东省安全城市建设与评估(山东省应急管理厅项目,参与);
7. 胶州湾第二隧道黄岛端施工社会风险治理研究(参与)。
Dr. MAO Qingduo
Associate Professor
E-mail: mqd@ouc.edu.cn
Contact Information
School of International Affairs and Public Administration
Ocean University of China (Laoshan Campus)
NO. 238 Songling Road
Qingdao 266100, China
Research Interests
Risk Governance; Crisis Management
Undergraduate course Research Methods in Social Sciences
Undergraduate course Introduction to Public Administration
Postgraduate course Research Design and Qualitative Research in Public Administration
Postgraduate course Risk Governance and Crisis Management
Educational Background
Ph.D., Public Administration, Shandong University, 2020
Joint Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2019
B.A., Public Administration, Shandong University, 2014
Selected Publications
Mao, Q., Cheng, H., Shi, J., & Zhou, L. (2023). How does environmental relative performance evaluation work? The case of China’s urban air quality ranking. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 1-23. (SCI: Q2, IF=4.364)
Cao, L., Mao, Q*., Ma, B,. (2023). Differences between spontaneous and exogenous preparedness: A study on the stock of household emergency material during the COVID-19 in China.( corresponding author,SCI: Q1,IF: 2.894)
Wang, F. F., & Mao, Q*.(2023). Benefiting signatories at others’ expense: Effects and spatial spillover of local emergency cooperation agreements in China. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. (corresponding author,SSCI: Q3,IF: 3.7)
Bian Q, Zhang X, Mao Q*.(2021).The more actions, the higher the performance evaluation? Evidence from the crisis management of COVID-19 in China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60: 102281.(corresponding author,SCI: Q1,IF: 2.894)
Cheng, H., Bian, Q., Mao, Q*. (2022). How Can Internet Use and Environmental Risk Perception Encourage Pro-Environmental Behaviors? The Mediating Role of Government Performance Perception. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 31(6), 5621-5631. (corresponding author,SCI: Q4, IF:1.871)
Mao, Q., Gan, T. (2022).Bureaucratic discipline: The setting logic and mechanism of government ranking. Public Administration Review, 15(02): 60-77+196-197.(In Chinese with English abstract)
Selected Awards
2017, The third prize of the thirty-first Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award in Shandong Province