研究方向: 公共政策、能源环境经济与政策、能源环境经济系统建模分析
2017年-2022年 南京航空航天大学,管理学博士,导师:周鹏教授
2012年-2015年 中国矿业大学,管理学硕士,导师: 周敏教授
2008年-2012年 中国矿业大学,孙越崎学院,管理学学士
2019年-2020年 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),公派联合培养研究生
1. Qiu, Y.Q., Tsan Sheng Ng, A., Zhou, P., 2022. Optimizing urban electric vehicle incentive policy mixes in China: Perspective of residential preference heterogeneity. Applied Energy 313, 118794.
2. 范丽伟,邱云秋,周鹏.电动汽车激励政策研究综述与展望[J].中国石油大学(社会科学版), 2020, 36(1): 1-10. (中国人民大学复印报刊资料全文转载)
3. L.P. Zhang; P. Zhou; Y.Q. Qiu; Q. Su; Y.L. Tang ; Reassessing the climate change cooperation performance via a non-compensatory composite indicator approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 252: 119387
4. Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, P., 2019.Assessing the effectiveness of city-level electric vehicle policies in China. Energy Policy130, 22-31.
5. Xia, Q., Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, M., 2018. Economic regulations of coal enterprises’ scale expansion in China. Resources,Conservation and Recycling 129, 366-372.
1. 主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目:城市燃油车主新能源汽车置换行为驱动机制及助推政策研究,2024.01-2026.12。
2. 主持:中国博士后科学基金面上项目(二等资助):政策趋同背景下城市电动汽车激励政策差异化设计方法研究,2022.09-2023.12。
3. 参与:国家自然科学基金面上项目:考虑供需双侧不确定性的电动汽车供应链风险防控策略研究,2024.01-2026.12。
4. 曾参与国自科基金重点项目、国社科基金重点项目等。
Energy Policy期刊审稿人
1. 第七届全国青年能源环境政策与管理学术会议,青岛,2023-8-23至2023-8-24(分会场点评人)
2. The 42nd International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) international conference , Montréal (Québec, Canada), 2019-05-29至2019-06-01 (会议报告)
3. The 41st edition of the IAEE international conference in 2018,Groningen,the Netherlands, 2018-6-10至2018-6-13 (会议报告)
Dr Yunqiu Qiu (Tenure-track Lecturer)
Contact details
Department of Public Affairs Management
School of International Affairs and Public Administration
Ocean University of China
Yunqiu is a tenure-track lecturer in Energy Policies in the Department of Public Affairs Management. She focuses on applying quantitative approaches and economic modelling to address energy policy assessment and optimization. She has applied a survey experiment and latent class model on designing and adjusting the electric vehicle policy mixes from the perspective of citizens’ policy preferences. Yunqiu will also broaden her research to include citizen participation and multi-agent interactions in the development and innovation of policy process.
Prior to joining Ocean University of China, Yunqiu received her PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Her doctoral dissertation title was “Assessment and Simulation of City-level Electric vehicle Incentive Policies in China ”. In 2019, she pursued her study in Singapore as a visiting PhD student under the State Scholarship Fund awarded by China Scholarship Council (CSC). In 2018-2019, Yunqiu had been to the 41st (Groningen, Netherland) and 42nd (Montreal, Canada) International Conference of International Association of Energy Economics to present her studies on the effectiveness assessment and the development trend of EV policies at a city level in China.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Qiu, Y.Q., Tsan Sheng Ng, A., Zhou, P., 2022. Optimizing urban electric vehicle incentive policy mixes in China: Perspective of residential preference heterogeneity. Applied Energy 313, 118794.
2. Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, P., 2019.Assessing the effectiveness of city-level electric vehicle policies in China. Energy Policy130, 22-31.
3. Xia, Q., Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, M., 2018. Economic regulations of coal enterprises’ scale expansion in China. Resources,Conservation and Recycling 129, 366-372.
Working Papers
1. Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, P., Wang, W.Y. Incentive policies for electric vehicles in China: system deconstruction, development trends and evolutionary laws.(In Chinese)
2. Qiu, Y.Q., Zhou, P. City-level electric vehicle policy mix adaptation in China with an agent-based model.