Brian Page
性别:男 邮箱:richardpage322@gmx.com 简介:教授
Education Overview 2005 MSM Colorado Technical University, Project Management 1995 BA Honors/ Distinction, University of Delaware, Anthropology and Sociology
Employment Overview 2015 Visiting Assistant Professor, Universidade Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil work with the Center for Applied Social Sciences 2014-2015 Freelance Work, National Center for Social Research, England 2013-2014 Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, Delaware State University 2011-2013 Visiting Scholar, assistant professor, Sirikit School, Thailand with Chulalongkarn University, research the regional health of Thai/ Dai genotypes in Northeast Thailand 2008-2011 Visiting Scholar and Planner, Shanghai Sustainable Development for the 2010 Expo 2006- 2008 Consultant, Delaware Public Archive, Archive Development, Historical Marker Mapping using GIS and Geolocation Services, lecturing DTCC, Wilmington 1999-2005 Historic Preservation Planner Sussex County Delaware, lecturing Delaware State University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware, Mahachulalongkoarn Thailand and at Chulalongkarn Thailand 1997-2000 FEMA Disaster Mitigation Officer, Region 3, Philadelphia, Teaching at EMI, and study at NYU 1997-1999 Consultant, City of Wilmington, Office of Emergency Management
2001-2005 Oak Orchard Sewer District Planning and design with William Requhardt and Associates for Sussex County Delaware 1999-2002 Ellendale City Sewer and Regional Planning 1999-2004 City of Lewes Historic Preservation Board and Law, Development of Preservation and Design Law 1999-2004 Advisor to City of Rehoboth Beach Historic Preservation, City of Georgetown Historic Preservation and planning commission 2003-2004 National Sanskrit Archive India, collecting, building and helping to address problems in the preservation of silkroad documents. 2002 Indian River Inlet Bridge Design Planning Group 2003 Milton Library Planning and Design 1999-2000- Historic Georgetown Brick Hotel Preservation and Rehabilitation 1999-2003 Mitigation and implementation of mitigation strategies with Project Impact in the Coastal Zone of Delaware 1996-1999 Delaware Coastal Zone Project and Water protection survey and recommended upgrades to the DNREC 1996-2001 Delaware Coastal Zone Industry Management Planning with DNREC 1993-1994 Research Scholar University of Delaware, to the Smithsonian and University of Pennsylvania Museums 1993 Research Assistant Archaeology Laboratory University of Delaware 1992 Department of Arts and Sciences Research Assistant to Juan Villamarin, Dean of the Department of Anthropology, meeting with Claude Levi-Strauss for Juan in Paris.
Publications Additional Reports at the Delaware State Historic Preservation Office, Dover, Delaware 2008 Research Report to New Castle County Council on Sustainable Development Planning and plan designs and ideas for a comprehensive methodology and implementation timeline. 2006 Planning for the Development of Urban Landscapes while protecting resources, communities and landscapes 2005 Delaware in the Great Depression. Arcadia Press 2002 Historical and Physical Apparatus in Physical and Statistical Mathematics, analysis of the use of mathematical models in social sciences 2001 Architectural Resource Survey Lewes Beach, Delaware for the Sussex County Council, DE SHPO and the Digital Archive Resource Center 2000 Historic Preservation Plan, City of Lewes, Preservation Laws for all twelve towns of Sussex County 1999 Environmental and Historic Resource Protection Plan, Sussex County Delaware 1998 Historic Preservation and Emergency Management, protecting our nations heritage in disasters, draft paper with Angela Tweedy for the Office of the Director of Emergency Management, Washington DC 1997 The waterscape: epidemiology and port cities in the coastal cities. For the science council 1996 Linguistics in context, the potential use of GIS in mapping the Indo-European, Uralic, Altaic and Sino-Tibetan languages and genetic families 1994 Arts of the Amazon, museum and collections research and documentation as a student for Peter G. Roe’s book and analysis 1993 Understanding infections in Port Cities, in “Rats, Cats’ and Plagues” for the science education society 1993 Analysis of the Colonial City as a cultural patasche, “Casablanca, Rabat” from mountains to the sea in the semiotics of meaning of colonial cities 1992 Analysis of the Risk of HIV 1 infection in Children who runaway in Colombia, review of the 1998 UNESCO report under Juan Villamarin at the University of Delaware.