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发布者:魏达 发布时间:2021-08-27 浏览次数:5253


陈琛(Dr. Chen Chen)


邮箱:chendishou@163.com; chenchen0505@ouc.edu.cn



Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TN_PG74AAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chen-Chen-538


教育背景 (Educational Background)

201612-202012月:荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen),哲学博士

合作导师:Prof. Frank VanclayDr. Terry van Dijk



学术兼职 (Academic Associations)

 SSCI社会学一区Top期刊《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》编委会委员

国际影响评估协会(International Association for Impact Assessment)会员



主持的主要课题 (Funded Projects)






学术专著 (Books)

1. Chen, C. The social impacts created by the development of transnational university campuses,荷兰格罗宁根大学出版社(University of Groningen, the Netherlands),202012月出版(ISBN978-94-034-2904-5),独立作者


代表性论文 (Key Publications)


1.        Chen, C., Zheng, Y., Vanclay, F., Zhang, Y., Enhancing the social outcomes from restrictions on arrivees during global public health emergencies: A Social Impact Assessment perspective[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2024, 105, 107460.

2.        Chen, C., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Do short-lived companies need to consider a social license to operate? Learning from an urban renewal project in China[J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023, 36, 100-107.

3.        Chen, C., & Vanclay, F., Universities Need a Social License to Operate and Grow: Reflecting on the University-Community Engagement of two Transnational Universities[J]. Journal of Studies in International Education. 2023, 27(5), 798-816.

4.        Chen, C., & Vanclay, F., Transnational universities, host communities and local residents: Social impacts, university social responsibility and campus sustainability[J]. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2021, 22(8):88-107.

5.        Chen, C., Vanclay, F., & van Dijk, T., How a new university campus affected people in three villages: the dynamic nature of social licence to operate[J]. Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal, 2021, 39(1), 2-10.

6.        Chen, C., & Vanclay, F., University social responsibility in the context of economic displacement from the proposed upgrading of a higher education institution: The case of the University of Groningen Yantai campus[J]. International Journal of Educational Development. 2020, 78, 102268.

7.        Chen, C., Vanclay, F., & Zhang, Y., The social impacts of a stop-start transnational university campus: How the impact history and changing plans of projects affect local communities[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2019, 77, 105-113.

8.        Zhang, Y., Koene, M., Chen, C.*, Wagenaar, C., & Reijneveld, S.A. Associations between the built environment and physical activity in children, adults and older people: a narrative review of reviews[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2024: 107856.

9.        Leal Filho, W., Vidal, D.G., Chen, C. et al., An assessment of requirements in investments, new technologies, and infrastructures to achieve the SDGs[J]. Environmental Science Europe, 2022.



1.        孔祥涛,陈琛*.重大决策社会稳定风险评估与应对的风险沟通模式[J].中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报,2023,27(02):122-133.

2.        陈琛,施国庆.社会风险评估与治理的理论溯源与转型策略[J].南京社会科学,2022(12):86-94.

3.        陈琛,施国庆.社会风险评估与治理的转型[C].中国社会科学(内部文稿),2022(6):70-76.

4.        陈琛,施国庆.公共政策社会影响评估的价值观变革与方法论创新[J].江苏社会科学,2024(2):103-111.

5.        陈琛,黄杰.社会风险视角下政策叙事的价值博弈——基于俄乌冲突后荷德重启天然气开采案例分析[J].中国应急管理科学,2024,(03):61-74.


所获荣誉 (Awards)

1.2022年度EmeraldInternational Higher Education Teaching & Learning Association联合评选的杰出博士研究奖(2022 Emerald and HETL Outstanding Doctoral Research Award),2022年度全球仅三位学者获奖。

2.论文Transnational universities, host communities and local residents: Social impacts, university social responsibility and campus sustainability从世界一流管理学出版集团Emerald Publishing旗下170多本国际学术期刊、数万篇同年论文中脱颖而出,当选为2021年唯一的全球推广活动的招牌论文,详情请见https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/sustainability-higher-education



学术会议及客座讲座 (Invited Talks)

1.        作为联名主席,在IAIA24年度会议发起并组织了分论坛“Impact assessment and adaptive management for climate change”,爱尔兰,都柏林,2024.4.24-26.

2.        作为全国20位专家之一参加重大决策社会稳定风险评估案例研讨活动,北京,2021417日至18日。

Dr. Chen Chen

Associate Professor

School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China


Email: chendishou@163.com

Office: Room 318

Add.: 238 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, 266100, PRC


Ph.D. University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 2020

M.Phil. China Agricultural University, 2016

B.Sc. China Agricultural University, 2013


Research Interests: Social Impact Assessment; Social Stability Risk Assessment; Social Licence to Operate; University Social Responsibility



Dr. Chen Chen is currently working at the School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China. He obtained a PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. Frank Vanclay and Dr. Terry van Dijk.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TN_PG74AAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chen-Chen-538

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