电子邮箱:bbz@ouc.edu.cn; bingbing.vincent.zhou@gmail.com
· 2024年09月至今:美国雪城大学麦克斯韦尔公民与公共事务学院,博士后访问学者
· 2021年07月至今:中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院行政管理系,副教授
· 2015年08月-2020年05月:美国亚利桑那州立大学,可持续性专业,哲学博士(空间/土地/景观可持续方向)
· 2012年09月-2015年06月:南京大学,土地资源管理专业,管理学硕士(2013年10月-2014年02月参加德国柏林自由大学环境地球科学专业硕士联合培养)
· 2008年09月-2012年06月:南京大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理专业,理学学士(2008年09月-2011年09月副修南京大学国际金融学)
· 本科生课程:Introduction to Sustainable Development;逻辑学;管理学原理;公共组织理论;文献分析与应用;专业认知实践;专业实习
· 研究生课程:Sustainable Development Research: Classics and Frontiers
· MPA课程:可持续发展专题
2025 H. Du, W. Zhan*, B.-B. Zhou, Y. Ju, Z. Liu, A. Middel, K. Huang, L. Zhao, T.C. Chakraborty, Z. Wang, S. Wang, J. Li, L. Li, F. Huang, Y. Ji, X. Li, and M. Li*. (2025). Exacerbated heat stress induced by urban browning in the Global South. Nature Cities, 2025, (2):157-169.
2025 M. Gao, Y. Chen, B.-B. Zhou, M. Li, H. Hou, G. Hu, and X. Li*. (2025). Identifying gaps in nature reserves by integrating future ecosystem service priority areas. Landscape Ecology, 2025,40(1): 7.
2024 Y. Yang, Z. Dong, B.-B. Zhou*, and Y. Liu. Smart growth and smart shrinkage: A comparative review for advancing urban sustainability. Land, 2024,13(5): 660.
2023 S. Tian, K. Zhang, Q. Wang*, B.-B. Zhou, S. Chen, W. Wu, Z. U. Jattak, and G. He. Three-dimensional analyses of China's marine disaster management policies (1990–2022): With implications for carbon neutrality. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2023, 246: 106884.
2023 秦立志#,金永明#,杨振姣#, 周兵兵#. “中国建设海洋强国的安全环境与保障制度”笔谈[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, (5):1-11.
2023 B. L. Turner*, and B.-B. Zhou#. Reflections on a vulnerability framework for sustainability science. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 2023, 15(1): a1335.
2023 Y. Zang, S. Hu, B.-B. Zhou, L. Lv*, X. Sui. Entrepreneurship and the formation mechanism of Taobao Villages: Implications for sustainable development in rural areas. Journal of Rural Studies, 2023, 100: 103030
2023 吕立刚, 撖旭, 龙花楼*, 周兵兵, 臧玉珠, 王君櫹, 范业婷. 耕地多功能供需匹配研究进展与展望[J]. 资源科学, 2023, 45(7): 1351-1365.
2023 Y. Li, X. Han, B.-B. Zhou*, L. Lv, and Y. Fan. Farmland dynamics and its grain production efficiency and ecological security in China’s Major Grain-Producing Regions between 2000 and 2020. Land, 2023, 12(7): 1404.
2023 Y. Li, B. Li*, H. Liao, B.-B. Zhou, J. Wei, Y. Wang, Y. Zang, Y. Yang, R. Liu, X. Wang. Changes in PM2.5-related health burden in China's poverty and non-poverty areas during 2000–2020: A health inequality perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 892: 160517
2023 H. Zhang, B.-B. Zhou, S. Liu, G. Hu, X. Meng, X. Liu, H. Shi, Y. Gao, H. Hou, X. Li*. Enhancing intercity transportation will improve the equitable distribution of high-quality health care in China. Applied Geography, 2023, 152: 102892
2022 Y. M. Chen, Z. H. Liu, and B.-B. Zhou*. Population-environment dynamics across world's top 100 urban agglomerations: With implications for transitioning toward global urban sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,119: 115630
2022 M. Y. Li, B.-B. Zhou, M. Y. Gao, Y. M. Chen*, M. Hao, G. H. Hu, and X. Li*. Spatiotemporal dynamics of global population and heat exposure (2020-2100): Based on improved SSP-consistent population projections. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17: 094007.
2022 H. Y. Hou, B.-B. Zhou, F. S. Pei, G. H. Hu, Z. B. Su, Y. J. Zeng, H. Zhang, Y. K. Gao, M. Luo, and X. Li*. Future land use/land cover change has non-trivial and potentially dominant impact on global gross primary productivity. Earth’s Future, 2022, 10: e2021EF002628.
2021 G. Hu, M. Wilson, B.-B. Zhou*, C. W. Shang, M. J. Yu, & J. G. Wu*. Spatiotemporal patterns and ecological consequences of a fragmented landscape created by damming. PeerJ, 2021, 9: e11416.
2021 B.-B. Zhou, R. Aggarwal, J. Wu, and L. G. Lv*. Urbanization-associated farmland loss: A macro-micro comparative study in China. Land Use Policy, 2021,101: 105228.
2021 Z. L. Xie, B.-B. Zhou, H. Xu, L. Zhang, and J. Wang*. An agent-based sustainability perspective on Payments for Ecosystem Services: Analytical framework and empirical application. Sustainability, 2021, 13(1): 253.
2021 Y. F. Wang, J. Fan*, J. Y. Li, B.-B. Zhou*, and Q. Wang. Methodological framework for identifying sustainability intervention priority areas on coastal landscapes and its application in China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 766: 142603.
2020 D. H. Mao*, Q. Ma, and B.-B. Zhou. Sustainability of human-environment systems through the lens of landscape. Landscape Ecology, 2020, 35(11): 2375-2379.
2020 B.-B. Zhou*, and L. G. Lv. Understanding the dynamics of farmland loss in a rapidly urbanizing region: A problem-driven, diagnostic approach to landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecology, 2020, 35(11): 2471-2486.
2020 贺艳华, 邬建国, 周国华*, 周兵兵. 论乡村可持续性与乡村可持续性科学[J]. 地理学报, 2020, 75(4):1-17.
2020 G. H. Hu, X. Li*, B.-B. Zhou*, Q. Ma, X. Meng, Y. L. Liu, and X. P. Liu. How to minimize the impacts of urban expansion on farmland loss: Developing a few large or many small cities?. Landscape Ecology, 2020, 35(11), 2487-2499.
2020 T. Hu, J. Peng, Y. X. Liu, J. S. Wu, W. F. Li, and B.-B. Zhou. Evidence of green space sparing to ecosystem function improvement in urban regions: A case study of China's Ecological Red Line policy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 251: 119678.
2019 B.-B. Zhou*, J. G. Wu*, and J. M. Anderies. Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2019, 189: 274-284.
2019 周兵兵, 马群*, 邬建国, 胡国华, 毛德华, 曾小箕, 郭杰, 房学宁, 刘宇鹏, 吕立刚. 再论可持续性科学:新形势与新机遇[J]. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(1): 325-336.
2018 X. N. Fang, B.-B. Zhou*, X. Y. Tu, and J. G. Wu*. “What kind of a science is sustainability science?” An evidence-based reexamination. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5): 1478.
2018 吕立刚, 隋雪艳, 汪翔, 周兵兵, 孙燕, 李永乐*. 江苏省土地城镇化的空间分异及其主导因素探测[J]. 人文地理, 2018, 33(4): 88-112.
2018 董亚坤, 周兵兵*, 刘逸竹, 潘笑笑, 曹韧, 吴梦瑶, 吴昊天, 张凌跃, 钟晓辉, 徐林枫, 罗青霞, 齐云龙. 生态文明建设的社会企业模式探索:悦丰岛试验及其可持续性[M].张兰英(主编).2017年青澄夏季学校田野调查报告. 2018, 第2-25页.
2017 X. Y. Gan, I. C. Fernandez, J. Guo*, M. Wilson, Y. Y. Zhao, B.-B. Zhou, and J. G. Wu. When to use what: Methods for weighting and aggregating sustainability indicators. Ecological Indicators, 2017, (81): 591-502.
2016 臧玉珠, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 吴滢滢. 1995-2010年中国省际人口迁移态势与空间格局演变——基于社会网络分析的视角[J]. 人文地理, 2016, 131(4): 112-118.
2015 周兵兵, 周生路*, 吕立刚, 陆春锋. 中国耕地征收的省际差异与失地农民测算研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(11): 284-290.
2015 陈龙, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 吕立刚, 昌亭. 基于主导功能的江苏省土地利用转型特征与驱动力[J]. 经济地理, 2015, (2): 155-162.
2015 陆春锋, 周生路*, 王炳君, 周兵兵, 李淦, 毛泾桥. 江西省县域经济发展的格局特征与开发战略区划[J]. 地域研究与开发, 2015, 34(1): 37-42.
2015 吕立刚, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 陈龙, 苏全龙, 王静. 1985年以来江苏省土地利用变化对人类活动程度的响应[J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 2015, 24(7): 1086-1093.
2013 杨悉廉*, 杨齐祺, 周兵兵, 吕立刚, 王慎敏, 金晓斌, 周寅康. 县域农村居民点整理的潜力测算与时序分区[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(12): 235-245.
2013 吕立刚, 周生路*, 周兵兵, 戴靓, 昌亭, 鲍桂叶, 周华, 李志. 区域发展过程中土地利用转型及其生态环境响应研究[J]. 地理科学, 2013, 33(12): 1442-1449.
2011 周兵兵, 代云开, 张燕*. 中国房地产业经济效应的省域差异分析[J]. 统计与决策, 2011, (23): 76-79.
2024-2026 参与 | 题目:全球南方城市扩展背景下生物多样性保护路径研究 | 来源:国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(PI:黄庆旭博士)
2024-2026 主持 | 题目:岛村三生空间演化趋势的人地机制模拟与调控研究:基于多主体模型 | 来源:国家自然科学基金青年项目
2024-2026 参与 | 题目:数字智能嵌入政府治理的流程再造与效能提升研究 | 来源:国家社会科学基金青年项目(PI:毛庆铎博士)
2023-2026 参与 | 题目:城市空间形态要素的碳排放影响机制及其低碳规划应用研究——以江西环湖城市群为例 | 来源:国家自然科学基金地区项目(PI:李志博士)
2023-2025 主持 | 题目:全球化背景下孤立型人地系统的“三生空间”演变研究:以山东桑岛为例 | 来源:山东省自然科学基金青年项目
2023-2025 参与 | 题目:农村脱贫人口的返贫风险及整体性治理研究 | 来源:国家社会科学基金青年项目(PI:范丛博士)
2022-2024 主持 | 题目:《可持续发展导论》本科课程与教材建设研究 | 来源:中国海洋大学本科教育教学研究一般项目
· 2024年08月至今,期刊Marine Development编委会,青年编委
· 2024年03月至今,中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院,国际事务项目办公室主任
· 2024年01月至今,青岛区域开放与融合发展研究智库联盟,特约研究员
· 2024年01月至今,期刊Chinese Geographical Science(《地理科学》英文版)编委会,青年编委
· 2023年11月至2025年03月,中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院,土地资源管理教研室主任
· 2023年09月至今,中国自然资源学会,教育工作委员会委员
· 2023年08月至2024年12月,Land期刊之“Advancing Sustainability through Land-Related Approaches: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations”专刊客座编辑
· 2023年02月至2024年03月,中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院,兼职外事秘书
· 2022年11月至今,中国自然资源学会,资源持续利用与减灾专业委员会委员
· 2022年10月至2024年03月,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health期刊之“Advancing Environmental Governance for Sustainable Urbanization”专刊客座编辑
· 2022年08月至2024年06月,中国海洋大学2022级行政管理专业,班主任
· 2021年10月至2024年02月,中国海洋大学中澳海岸带管理研究中心,中方秘书长
· 2019年09月至2020年10月,Landscape Ecology期刊之“Sustainability of Human-Environment Systems Through the Lens of Landscape”专刊客座编辑
· 2016年11月至今,Land Use Policy; Land; Landscape Ecology; Landscape Research; Agriculture; Agronomy; Anthropocene; Applied Geography; Applied Sciences; Chinese Geographical Science; Climate Risk Management; Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability; Ecological Indicators; Ecology and Society; Ecosphere; Environmental Impact Assessment Review; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Geography and Sustainability; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Nature Human Behavior; Ocean & Coastal Management; Regional Environmental Change; Resource Policy; Scientific Reports; Sustainability; The Anthropocene Review等期刊审稿人
Dr. ZHOU Bing-Bing
Associate Professor
Email: bbz@ouc.edu.cn; bingbing.vincent.zhou@gmail.com
Office: Room 230
Contact Information
School of International Affairs and Public Administration
Ocean University of China (Laoshan Campus)
NO. 238 Songling Road
Qingdao 266100, China
Research Interests: Dr. Zhou’s research is focused on the nexus of Space, Organization, and Sustainability (SOS), devoted to advancing local, regional, and global sustainability by better understanding and navigating the sustainability dynamics of coupled social-environmental systems in various contexts (e.g., island, coastal, rural, village, firm) from the perspectives of spatial/land/landscape heterogeneity and/or organizational/institutional diversity. He draws theories from various disciplines such as sustainability science, land system science, landscape ecology, ecological economics, development economics, institutional economics, management science, and geographical sciences. His studies emphasize combining qualitative and quantitative methods, often involving remote sensing, geospatial analytics, statistical analysis, computational modeling, applied machine learning, text mining, content analysis, meta-synthesis, household surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic observation.
Undergraduate courses: Introduction to Sustainable Development (English); Public Organization Theory; Logic; Principles of Management; Literature Analysis and Applications; Introduction to Public Administration; Practices in Public Administration
Graduate courses: Sustainable Development Research: Classics and Frontiers (English); Seminars on Sustainability
Work Experience
2021, Associate Professor, School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China
2020, Ph.D., Sustainability, Arizona State University (USA)
2015, M.M., Land Resource Management, Nanjing University
2012, B.A., Resources, Environment & Urban-Rural Planning and Management, Nanjing University
Selected Publications
2023, B. L. Turner*, and B.-B. Zhou#. Reflections on a vulnerability framework for sustainability science. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 2023, 15(1): a1335.
2022, Y. M. Chen, Z. H. Liu, and B.-B. Zhou*. Population-environment dynamics across world's top 100 urban agglomerations: With implications for transitioning toward global urban sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,119: 115630
2021, B.-B. Zhou*, R. Aggarwal, J. Wu, and L. G. Lv*. Urbanization-associated farmland loss: A macro-micro comparative study in China. Land Use Policy, 101, 105228.
2020, D. H. Mao*, Q. Ma, and B.-B. Zhou. Sustainability of human-environment systems through the lens of landscape. Landscape Ecology, 2020, 35(11): 2375-2379.
2020, B.-B. Zhou*, and L. G. Lv. Understanding the dynamics of farmland loss in a rapidly urbanizing region: A problem-driven, diagnostic approach to landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecology, 35(11), 2471-2486.
2019, B.-B. Zhou*, J. G. Wu*, and J. M. Anderies. Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2019, 189: 274-284.
2018, X. N. Fang, B.-B. Zhou *, X. Y. Tu, and J. G. Wu*. “What kind of a science is sustainability science?” An evidence-based reexamination. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5): 1478.
Selected Public Services
2024-present, Young Editorial Board Member for journal Marine Development
2024-present, Young Editorial Board Member for journal Chinese Geographical Science
2024-present, Director of the International Affairs Project Office, School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China
2023-present, Guest Editor for a special issue of Land entitled “Advancing Sustainability through Land-Related Approaches: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations”
2022-present, Guest Editor for a special issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health entitled “Advancing Environmental Governance for Sustainable Urbanization”
2019-2020, Guest Editor for a special issue of Landscape Ecology entitled “Sustainability of Human-Environment Systems Through the Lens of Landscape”
Selected Honors/Awards
2024, Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Advisor, Ocean University of China
2023, Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Advisor, Ocean University of China
2016-2018+2020, Wrigley Fellowship, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University (USA)
2015, Outstanding Graduate Student of Nanjing University
2012-2014, DAAD Integrated International Double Degree Study Programs Fellowship (Germany)