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发布者:曲雅倩 发布时间:2021-08-27 浏览次数:1007




邮箱:renqiang@ouc.edu.cn; rq_1994@163.com



任强,博士,山西运城人。主要从事城市景观过程、城市可持续性和生态系统服务相关研究。包括监测、分析和模拟城市和区域的土地利用/覆盖变化分析和模拟城市景观过程对生态和环境风险的影响,并依此设计和规划城市景观过程。研究中,将会应用到统计分析、空间分析、GIS/RS软件、系统动力学模型、元胞自动机模型以及智能体模型等多种研究手段。Nature Sustainability”和“Resources, Conservation and Recycling等主流学术期刊上发表学术论文10余篇,1论文被选入ESI高被引论文,被中国日报英文版、科技日报等权威媒体报道。主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目等研究项目2项,作为骨干成员参加国家“973”项目课题、国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金可持续发展国际合作科学计划项目等项目多项。









Nature SustainabilityGeography and SustainabilitySustainable Cities and Society等国内外期刊匿名评审

Watershed Ecology and the Environment期刊青年编委



5. Wu, J., Chen, G., Callaghan, C., Ren, Q(通讯作者). (2024). The effect of grain size on the relationship between urbanization and bird diversity. Applied Geography, 162, 103154. 2022年影响因子4.9

4. Ren, Q., He, C., Huang, Q., Zhang, D., Shi, P., Lu, W. (2023). Impacts of global urban expansion on natural habitats undermine the 2050 vision for biodiversity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190: 106834. 2022年影响因子13.2

3. Ren, Q., He, C., Huang, Q., Shi, P., Zhang, D., Güneralp, B. (2022). Impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands. Nature Sustainability, 5(10): 869-878.2022年影响因子27.6入选ESI高被引论文,得到中国日报英文版、科技日报等权威媒体报道

2. Ren, Q., He, C., Huang, Q., Zhou, Y. (2018). Urbanization impacts on vegetation phenology in China. Remote Sensing, 10(12): 1905. 2022年影响因子5.0

1. Ren, Q., Huang, Q., He, C., Tu, M. (2018). The poverty dynamics in rural China during 2000–2014: A multi-scale analysis based on the poverty gap index. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(10): 1427-1443. 2022年影响因子4.9


1. 任强, 何春阳, 黄庆旭, 刘志锋, 李经纬. 中国北方农牧交错带贫困动态——基于贫困距离指数的分析. 资源科学, 2018, 40(2):404-416. (中文核心期刊



8. Liu, M., Ren, Q., Liu, C., Zhang, W., Song C., Chen P., Huang, Q. (2024). Urban land expanded closer to protected areas in China: a three decade investigation over 2622 protected areas, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-15.

7. Zhou, X., Peng, W., Guo, Y., Chen, P., Ren, Q., Feng, X., ... & Huang, Q. (2023). Relationships between urban expansion and socioenvironmental indicators across multiple scales of watersheds: a case study among watersheds running through China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-16.

6. Qi, T., Ren, Q., Zhang, D., Lu, W., He, C. (2023). Impacts of urban expansion on vegetation in drylands: A multiscale analysis based on the vegetation disturbance index. Ecological Indicators, 147, 109984.

5. Mao, C., Ren, Q., He, C., Qi, T. (2023). Assessing direct and indirect impacts of human activities on natural habitats in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 2000 to 2020. Ecological Indicators, 157, 111217.

4. Lu, W., Zhang, D., Ren, Q., Qi, T., He, C. (2023). Impacts of future urban expansion on natural habitats will intensify in China: scenario analysis with the improved LUSD-urban model. Landscape Ecology, 38(10), 2547-2567.

3. Huang, Q., Zhang, H., van Vliet, J., Ren, Q., Wang, R. , Du, S., ... & He, C. (2021). Patterns and distributions of urban expansion in global watersheds. Earth's Future, 9(8), e2021EF002062.

2. Zhu, L., Huang, Q., Ren, Q., Yue, H., Jiao, C., He, C. (2020). Identifying urban haze islands and extracting their spatial features. Ecological Indicators, 115, 106385.

1. Huang, Q., Yin, D., He, C., Yan, J., Liu, Z., Meng, S., ... & Inostroza, L. (2020). Linking ecosystem services and subjective well-being in rapidly urbanizing watersheds: Insights from a multilevel linear model. Ecosystem Services, 43, 101106.


5. 毛诚瑞, 任强, 李磊, 何春阳. (2023). 青藏高原城市扩展过程的区位因素——基于随机森林的多尺度分析. 生态学报 (17), 6983-6998.

4. 张玲, 黄庆旭, 任强, 何春阳, 刘吉夫, 白岩松. (2020). 中国地震灾害管理政策的演变——基于1949-2018年法律法规文件的计量分析. 自然灾害学报 (05), 11-23.

3. 涂梦昭, 刘志锋, 何春阳, 任强, 卢文路. (2020). 基于GRACE卫星数据的中国地下水储量监测进展. 地球科学进展 (06), 643-656.

2. 宋世雄, 刘志锋, 何春阳, 赵瑞, 任强. (2018). 城市扩展过程对自然生境影响评价的研究进展. 地球科学进展 (10), 1094-1104.

1. 史坤博, 杨永春, 任强, 刘润, 杨庆楠, 赵蕊. (2015). 基于省会城市的中国体验性网络团购发展的空间格局与空间错位. 地理科学进展 (06), 696-706.



2. 2022年至今,中国博士后科学基金面上项目2022M722968),主持

1. 2022年至今,中国海洋大学青年教师科研专项基金,主持


5. 2024年至今,国家自然科学基金可持续发展国际合作科学计划项目42361144859,主要参与人

4. 2022-2024年,毛里求斯海洋空间规划项目,主要参与人

3. 2019-2023国家重点研发计划项目课题2019YFA0607203),主要参与人

2. 2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41971225),主要参与人

1. 2016-2018,国家973项目课题(2014CB954302,主要参与人



6. 2023年,北京师范大学研究生学术创新特等奖(全校50人)。

5. 2023年,北京师范大学优秀博士论文。

4. 2022年,山东土地学会学术年会青年优秀论文一等奖。

3. 2019年,获博士研究生国家奖学金。

2. 2017年,获自然资源学会2017年学术年会优秀青年论文奖。

1. 2015年,获兰州大学优秀毕业生。



10. 2022级本科生,蔡登科

9. 2022级本科生,吕一帆

8. 2021级本科生,白玛玉珍

7. 2020级本科生,余佳琪

6. 2020级本科直博生,戚涛(与何春阳教授合带)

5. 2020级博士生,毛诚瑞(与何春阳教授合带)

4. 2019级本科生,苏比妮尕尔·艾合买提,毕业后入职乌鲁木齐市生态环境局

3. 2019级本科生,熊学辉,毕业后应征入伍

2. 2018级本科生,张瀚(与黄庆旭副教授合带),国奖、周廷儒奖学金获得者,毕业后清华大学读博

1. 2016级本科生,朱磊(与黄庆旭副教授合带),国奖、周廷儒奖学金获得者,毕业后清华大学读博

Dr. Qiang Ren 

Tenured Lecturer

School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China

Email: renqiang@ouc.edu.cn

Research Topics: Urbanization, Regional Sustainability Development

Dr. Qiang Ren is a lecturer in the School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Ocean University of China. His research focuses on the urban landscape dynamics and urban sustainability, including monitoring and simulating urban landscape dynamics, and analyzing the environmental and ecological impacts of urban landscape dynamics.


2016/09-2022/06, Master & Ph.D., Major in Nature Resources, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University

2012/09-2016/06, Bachelor Student, Major in Resources Environment and the Management of Urban and Rural Planning, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University


1. Ren, Q., He, C., Huang, Q., Shi, P., Zhang, D., Güneralp, B. (2022). Direct and indirect impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands. Nature Sustainability. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-022-00930-8.IF:27.157

2. Ren, Q., He, C., Huang, Q., Zhou, Y. (2018). Urbanization impacts on vegetation phenology in China. Remote Sensing, 10(12): 1905. IF:5.349

3. Ren, Q., Huang, Q., He, C., Tu, M. (2018). The poverty dynamics in rural China during 2000–2014: A multi-scale analysis based on the poverty gap index. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(10): 1427-1443. IF:4.012

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